Month: September 2014

written by Daniel
September 21, 2014 0

The world will judge you. That is a given. It’s a fact of life. It doesn’t matter what you say, or how you act. You cannot avoid it. Your silence will be judged as ignorance, your words as foolishness. Your actions shall be defined as selfish or self-serving. Thus, do not exist for the acceptance of others. Exists for the acceptance of yourself and let your own existence justify itself. Be bold in that existence such that your very existence is an act of defiance against all who grant themselves the right to judge you. Be brave in that existence, such that no barrier can stand between your true nature and the manifestation of that nature in your existence. Your existence shall then be louder than anyone’s opinion of this existence for the existence is pure, and everything else is but a byproduct of the existence, unable to exist without your existence existing first. Thus, speak your mind, act your heart, and live as only you can. Go Forth, Be awesome. No Zero Days.

written by Daniel
September 18, 2014 0

The sun had hidden in the shadows
The stars were shining bright;
They were sitting in the darkness
By the television light.

Though life had its problems,
They simply didn’t care,
Nothing really mattered
While they were sitting there.


As the embers turn to ashes
And the flames begin to die
While the stars kept shining,
We have learned to fly; yes we have learned to fly

They were staring at the moonlight
Chasing shadows on the wind,
And if the colors faded,
they knew they’d understand.

But for now, they saw a rainbow,
Burning brightly in the dark,
Dancing by the moonlight,
Near the river in the park.

He holds her in the twilight,
She holds him tighter still,
They keep this dance from ending,
Until they’ve had their fill.

He sees that shining smile
She looks into his eyes
The world starts its spinning,
As they burn the skies.

written by Daniel
September 16, 2014 0
written by Daniel
September 16, 2014 0 year ebbs away,
And I realize that in this play
We are doomed to be alone,
To cry in darkness when at home.

The tunnel’s light has grown so dim,
It can’t be ignited, we can’t win
And so I resign myself to be
Alone for all eternity.

No money can rearrange my fate
Nor love nor fear nor thoughts of hate,
That’s whats written in the sand,
There is no one here to lend a hand,

And wipe the words right off the slate,
Change my life, alter my fate.
No ones here to hear my plea,
No one here to miss me when I flea

Flea from this land of barren plains,
To places where there are no chains,
No hatred nor neglect nor pain,
Or perhaps I’ll just go insane.

Insane is such a funny term,
the thought of it can make one squirm.
But insane is what I’ll soon find my self to be,
It is the purest way to set me free.

written by Daniel
September 14, 2014 0
written by Daniel
September 14, 2014 0

rose-81828_1280Crackled and speckled and colored in gold,
A gilded red rose at your hand was presented.
Seeing it brightly, your touch became cold
as though its delivery you resented.

Of Course I’m no fool, I notice it all
I’ve given up on expecting affection.
But a gift as gilded as this, surely
Doesn’t deserve such a frozen rejection.

Of love, I have long forgotten to speak
But even friendship some loving requires
If we do not care, then what do we have,
But lies, dust, debris and desires.

A friendship is built on the finest of parts,
It stands on loyalty, trust, and affection.
One must care for the ship if its to fare well,
Or else it takes on water in light of affliction.

So take for a moment, my dearest of friends,
Decide which direction your wind will call
For it only takes a single  wrong move
Until the farce rapidly fails and falls.

written by Daniel
September 14, 2014 0
written by Daniel
September 14, 2014 0 I stood before the monument erected,
A fortress wall over time and space perfected.
There must have been a door when you came in,
When you locked the world away from start to fin.

I stood before it day and night awaiting,
I dared to pray and hope, beseeching
You to let me in, for just a momentary glance,
To show me what is hidden, just one chance.

For months I stood before that frozen stone
Till the ice had pierced my own heart to the bone
Till the tarnished moon had cast its final light,
And threw my soul into infernal night.

At last I walked away from that sepulcher of dreams
Where you’ve hidden all that time, it seems,
And when you shall once again emerge to see the day,
I won’t be standing there, I’d have gone away.

Perhaps I’ll never know, if it mattered much to you
That I stood so long, and for so long remained true.
Perhaps it doesn’t matter, not even just one gram,
For in that time I realized that you never gave a damn.

And should the sands of time continue, as they had
I’ll find the sun and stars, I shan’t remain this sad.
But you will never know what I tried yelling at the wall
You still won’t hear it, even if one day, it shall fall.

written by Daniel
September 10, 2014 0
written by Daniel
September 10, 2014 0 sit there on the couch, just the two of them. They ran out of small talk hours ago, yet they still sit. He glares at the steaming cup of tea that sits on the table before him. She puffs her cigarette, smoke billowing around her dark hair. He glances over at her, trying hard not to stare. She doesn’t know, he thinks to himself. No, she knows, she just doesn’t care. In the end, does it really matter? For months, she has been all he could think about. Every morning, he wished her a good day. And every night, Sweet dreams. There was nothing she could ask for that he wouldn’t do for her. Anything. For her.

He was doing just fine before her. Perfectly alright. Moved home after school. A fancy degree on the wall. A job lined up. Even the car was working. Every day was simple. Functional. Like a clock. His life operated like clockwork. Up at 6, work at 8, off at 6, two hours at the gym, sleep, rinse, repeat. No need for differentiation. Just fine. He was perfectly alright. Then, one day, which quite frankly began just like any other, she appeared. Out of no where. No one asked her to show up. No one requested her presence. Yet, there she was. Slender, dark, fair, with bright eyes which lit the world around her. He was struck. So the adventure began.

His days still operated like clockwork, if the clocks were assembled by a team of rabbits from wonderland under the supervision of Salvador Dali himself. The monotony was broken as his days became consumed with her. All time, effort, energy, were spent. If not with her, then for her. Whether it was planning the next outing, or sitting at the coffee-house talking, she engulfed his existence.

Days passed. Then weeks. Finally months came and went. He told her she was important, of course. One should be a fool not to have noticed that. He told her he cared. He showed her with every action, every word, every breath. All she said was thank you. A simple acknowledgement. She didn’t care for him. Not the way he cared for her. Although it is rather rare that anyone care quite the way he did. He knew that. Yet he hoped for more. More than a simple acknowledgement of the fact. She told him not now. Not today. And so he thought perhaps tomorrow. Perhaps another day. There is a chance.  But the next day came, and went. And the next one after. And the months rolled on. Still he tried, to no avail.

So they sit there, on the couch. Just the two of them. They share a space. A solitary room in which they have spent the last few hours. She has told him of her troubles, without really saying anything at all. Trouble at home, difficulty in class, tough day at work. The usual tribulations of daily life. Many words exhausted, saying nothing of value at all. And he sat there, with his cup of tea in hand and listened, throwing tidbits of commentary here and there. He also said little of value. As she spoke, his head raced. It always raced, but this time it raced with sharp pangs of pain surging through his being as he ached to tell her the battles that go on inside of him. As he ached to ask her of her true battles. He cared little for the soap opera found at home and work. He wanted to know the battles of her soul. The scars that are hidden away from everyone. He wanted to break down the walls and see what is held sacred. That which is truly private. He wanted to be a part of her. Even more, he wanted her to want the same from him.

And yet they sit. In silence at last, having run out of the trivial long ago. She doesn’t want the walls to come down, he thinks to himself, after all this time, that much is clear. He glances at her again. Their eyes meet, and they both look down. He glares at the coffee. She examines the cigarette’s smoke. They are sitting on the same couch, yet they are eons apart. They are not together.  He turns away. If only, he muses, if only I had a way to tell her that she would understand. If I could open my heart to her and have her see what I have been hiding inside. If she could feel the fire, things would be different. But they just sit. The two of them on the same couch. Together, and yet both alone.