Tag: hatred

written by Daniel
September 16, 2014 0
written by Daniel
September 16, 2014 0

https://c1.staticflickr.com/3/2779/4254149340_c912fa7a4d_z.jpg?zz=1Another year ebbs away,
And I realize that in this play
We are doomed to be alone,
To cry in darkness when at home.

The tunnel’s light has grown so dim,
It can’t be ignited, we can’t win
And so I resign myself to be
Alone for all eternity.

No money can rearrange my fate
Nor love nor fear nor thoughts of hate,
That’s whats written in the sand,
There is no one here to lend a hand,

And wipe the words right off the slate,
Change my life, alter my fate.
No ones here to hear my plea,
No one here to miss me when IĀ flea

Flea from this land of barren plains,
To places where there are no chains,
No hatred nor neglect nor pain,
Or perhaps I’ll just go insane.

Insane is such a funny term,
the thought of it can make one squirm.
But insane is what I’ll soon find my self to be,
It is the purest way to set me free.