Tag: writting

written by Daniel
November 4, 2013 0
written by Daniel
November 4, 2013 0

I have been writing for many years.  I suppose that in and of itself is nothing special. Many people write. In fact, it is difficult to get through grade school without having written something. Quite a bit of something, really. Massive lengthy essays, the majority of which no one particularly cared about then nor now. This, of course, uses a rather simple and boring definition of writing. It assumes that all that is required for writing is the placement of thoughts to paper. It ignores the magic that happens when those thoughts are put into words and those words into sentences, those sentences into the paragraphs of prose or lines of poetry. It ignores the essence of the writer, who opens up his heart and soul and deliver his message. There is always a message. Whether the author is sharing something about his life, or something about people, about humanity, about the world, there is always something the author meant by the text.

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